Developing a global vision for your company is extremely important, Having a global business can have huge positive effects. In the present day global revolutions effect all of us disregarding what part of the globe you live in, some ways you can feel the effect is management, politics, communications, and technology. Global marketing ha become imperative in the United States, referring to boundless mobility and competition in social, business, and intellectual arenas. Here is a fact that shows why global marketing is important; Over the past two decades, world trade has climbed from $200 billion a year to over $11 trillion. Crazy isn't it ?
Even though Adidas is not an American company, The company still operates in many global markets starting from where they originated in Germany expanding to North America, Australia, across Germany's borders and in China And India who are big targets for global trade and production. Now a days the internet makes it really easy for companies to go global by simply setting up an e-business. Anybody around the world can view the site and purchase what they like, delivery is made easy by shipping companies such as UPS, FedEx, and DHL which helps solve international e-commerce distribution. Setting up a global business personally includes contracts, trade agreements, exchange rates and a whole bunch of processes, but an e-business can put your company in the international marketplace just by creating a web-site; easy as 1 2 3.
The Following is the Adidas group global strategies and some ways how they plan to execute them:
Driving the long-term development of adidas and Reebok
To secure long-term sustainable growth for the Group, Global Brands is focused on driving the development of the adidas and Reebok brands. The overall strategic goal is to achieve qualitative, sustainable growth by building desirable brands in consumers’ and customers’ perception. In 2010, Global Brands played a central role in the creation of Route 2015, the adidas Group’s five-year strategic business plan. The adidas and Reebok brands are expected to deliver 90% of the targeted growth for the Group in that period. Areas within adidas and Reebok that were identified as key contributors and game changers for the adidas Group include:
- Gaining sales and market share in the key global categories running and basketball with adidas Sport Performance
- Expanding adidas Sport Style into fast fashion with adidas NEO
- Establishing Reebok as the leading fitness and training brand
- Leading the industry in the fields of customisation and interactivity across categories.
The Map you see below are locations of The Adidas Group Global Market environment .